Florida Fruit Fest
UI/UX │Brand Identity │Illustration
The design challenge for this project was to create a website to host important information for a fictitious upcoming event. With a love for seasonal produce, I decided to create Florida Fruit Fest, an annual event that is everything fruit-related. Developing Florida Fruit Festival included focusing on branding, illustration and UI/UX design. My goal for this project was to create a vibrant, inviting, and exciting feeling for the event.

My process for the site began by mapping out the intended user experience as well as narrowing down the most efficient way to organize the information a user would need when navigating and considering attending the event.

Various feedback loops with my peers and professor allowed me to narrow down my user flow and to gain a better understanding of sizing and translation from wireframing to live website prototypes. I planned for my site to include information about the 2020 festival, purchasing tickets, merchandising, an about page, contact information as well as a FAQ page.

Developing content involved drawing digital fruit illustrations which were then used for patterns, merchandizing and the branding identity of the site. An official branding guide for the festival was also made along with the hand-drawn logo. An event poster for the 2020 festival to be used on the site as well as mockups of the merchandise to be listed.