Sanibel & Captiva Island
Multi-Media Art │Photography
For this biodiversity focused project, I created a 3D map of Sanibel and Captiva Island using pieces of 35mm photographs taken on location. I chose to capture and reimagine an environment I grew up interacting with. When photographing the islands, I was focused on the landscapes and wildlife that they are best known for.

After photographing and having the film developed, I sketched an outline of the islands and began to cut out shapes based on the location they were taken in. This process was very tedious and experimental. I slowly worked to fill the outline with the three dimensional pyramid shapes.

My final work was framed and hung in the University WARPhaus gallery at UF and was also part of the UF Biolink Exhibition. Biolink is a University of Florida Creative Campus Initiative Project funded by a UF Catalyst Grant. It is a campus-wide creative interdisciplinary project cultivating connections via biodiversity.
One of the most fulfilling outcomes of this project was having a local Sanibel newspaper find out about the project. They wrote an article about the project and it was published online. Overall this project was a great way to pay homage to my hometown and the biodiverse environments that exist there.